The haunting past motivates us for readiness– full moon in Capricorn

This report took some time to compose, as the Gemini season had me back-to-back with different events, commitments, while I felt the moon approach into its fullness today. I was caught in the importance of what is the universe wanting us to know with a 2nd Full Moon at 29 degrees in Capricorn on 21st July 2024. This first full moon on 22nd June at 11:08am 01 degrees (AEST) sets a trigger reaching its peak at the end of Cancer season. In many ways I see the astrology interpretations changing from just the relationship with aspects but also what degrees these alignments trigger. It’s not devoid of the traditional components and rules of understanding the true meaning of these alignments. My own observations of the charts I sense there is a cosmic evolution at play and activating desires, dormant emotions, needs, perceptions within us.

Capricorn is a feminine archetype quality of the sea goat in traditional astrology. One that has the capacity to preserve regardless of the challenges and move beyond the universal physical boundaries. It is considered that the sea goat alchemises the water that it emerges from into earthly matter. It then symbolically initiates new levels of consciousness. The mythology and symbology of a goat-fish span into many cultures. Native Americans considered goats symbolic of fertility, sexuality, and creativity. The Greek interpretation is the wilderness god Pan. The myth explains how Pan jumped into a river to escape the monster Typhon. He tries to turn himself into a fish while jumping into the river, but he moves too quickly and only his lower half becomes that of a fish. Zeus (Jupiter) engages in combat with the monster and defeats him but not without Typhon pulling the muscles out of Zeus’s legs. Hermes (Mercury) steps in to assist Pan to replace the damaged muscles. As a reward for healing him, Zeus placed Pan in the sky as Capricorn.

Pan is the god of wild, shepherds and flocks. Rustic music, impromptus and loves hanging with nymphs. He is also recognised as the nature god of fauna due to the love of woodlands. Capricorn season in northern hemisphere is in the season of winter and in the southern hemisphere it’s the opposite however both have something in common which is a sense of preparedness. This sign is about survival to ensure we have all that we need to sustain some tough environments. It is critically examining reality and it is in constant adaption to ensure we obtain the essentials to get through the environment. It is also a mutable sign that requires time alone to think through what needs to be done, choosing work over play often. Mutable signs are initiators. Afterall, it is ruled by Saturn and this planet is the gatekeeper, making notes on our level of responsibility.

This first full moon will give us something to think about regarding how we intend to survive a world that looks as if it will crack every familiar structure of society. Capricorn rules work, external security, and if we take the myth into consideration it is about being able to prepare for what the environment is alluring us toward. Requiring us to alchemise something that is real, practical and reflects our destabilised environment. Gemini rules our environment, and Jupiter moving through this sign in its detriment, asks us to pay attention to the little details. That phone call, completing an assignment, paying bills on time, asking friends for support, and keeping day to day in order is where we’ll strengthen our foundation of Self. Our hunger to go off grid from our responsibilities will cost us a great deal, especially if we don’t get into the rhythm of preparedness.

It is a time of maturity in all the choices we make. Anyone who plays a victim will be very hard to be around. Projection with Neptune in Pisces is high, many will be at the edge as the changes within our world are beginning to show up. Yes, there is such a need for us to escape especially as this moon square Neptune and at the equinox point which puts us into the illusion that all will work out well. At the same time, we know we cannot continue as we’ve done before. Yes, it will work out, but we must understand if the universe gives us a nut we must find a way to crack it. The universe will not crack the nut. We will not be saved by another. This shows up in our relationships. The self-expression within relations requires us to communicate clearly and precisely. A need for autonomy for personal healing and growth without having to justify our space strengthens and mutates the idea of what we knew about connections. There is always, even if its subtle a shadow of control and ownership in traditional relationships which require to change. Capricorn moons are ones that know emotions cannot get in the way of personal success or work. The Saturn hold of responsibility will keep one mind on work while the other in little distractions. It is a sign that builds confidence over time but its primary need to work is to take care of the family because Cancer is the opposing sign.

It’s an energy that requires us to self-master from the wisdom of our experiences as we know the importance of focus, integrity, discernment, and fortitude. Therefore, every person who is responsible for their own happiness and survival will need to make important choices about their future life. This moon turns a switch inside of us that’s been dormant. We don’t know how we will express these needs. This switch ignites a need to work on projects that are part of our preparation.

One might think what the need for preparedness is where some have basic comforts some don’t have this freedom. Their stories are being controlled by different forces. There are some folks who play a different role, one that has been introverted, passive, and not so confident in their self-expression. Pluto in Aquarius is seducing us to step up and these folks who consider going away from society is important as it will create further suffering. Capricorn alchemises our consciousness, by being present in our work. The dedication and commitment eventually pays off at universal timing. Saturn rules time and karma.  

The preparedness comes by going back in time. Cancer rules the past, where we have the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all will sextile to Mars in Taurus who is the ruler of the north node in Aries. We need to make brave, difficult, and challenging decisions which are completely independent from our relationships. It is a time of knowing what we need by going back to the end of 2019. We experienced Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and the South Node in Capricorn (2020) all met at 01 degrees. What were the choices we made? What was broken away from us? What did we throw away prematurely? As we go through this process, we embark on a big journey of releasing the past ways of being. Our old self that no longer serves our current purpose needs to be grieved and transmuted as we evolve through these huge challenges. Nothing is light for a Capricorn Moon and remember this is the first of two which has a lot to say when Pluto will move into 29 degrees of Capricorn on 2nd September.

Pluto was in Capricorn at 21 degrees and conjunct to Saturn at 22 degrees during this time where an old story of time ended and space for a new story was building that majority of us didn’t know. Today, we do know, and we’re being called to take a moment to understand subconsciously we will go back to an old world to heal something that’s important for our spiritual evolution. The alchemical understanding of our Soul’s growth is to put something respectfully away, conclude, or rest in peace. The other part of the story of preparedness and our survival is all systems are breaking down. Neptune at the end of Pisces which started many conflicts, Uranus at the end of Taurus who will ingress into Gemini in 2025 brings crazy choices to life and Pluto in November will not return to Capricorn again in our lifetimes. These are big energies that rule the subconscious, which is changing us from the inside, at that cellular level.

No matter where you are in your timeline and what you believe, we must get ready for our survival. This might be a subtle shift or a major uproar in our world. It takes courage and confidence to make choices that others don’t expect us to do and yet they all crave the change. The warning is timing. We cannot rush or force change. Whatever we need, this full moon will highlight and intuitively we’ll know what tough choices are to be made. The other part of this energy is the addiction to comfort. We’re holding on to things that make us comfortable and fighting so hard to keep them as they are without realising its very hold destroys our growth, evolution, and spiritual development. Pluto returning into Capricorn will only give us a four-year window of some structures existing while the rest will crumble. Things from the past don’t have any life in them, yet everyone wants to keep what they know alive.

The best part of this energy is we start to invest it in what’s important for us. We know if things are breaking down, we have a chance to develop something better. That’s the motivating and exciting element of this energy. It’s time to let go of those warm weighted blankets and get to work not matter how hard the first step may seem.

Happy full moon in Capricorn round one…

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