True-heartedness – New Moon Taurus

The cosmos sets the stage for the New Moon in Taurus, taking its form to put into practice how our morals, ethics, values and beliefs are validated from the choices we’ve made. There are always two unfolding energies, not always so obvious as this one, where we have strong energies in fixed earth sign Taurus... Continue Reading →

Juxtaposition vibes Full Moon in Libra

There are moments in life, little sparks of knowing something inside of us is willing us to follow our hearts with full galar in the honoring of our Soul purpose. This very spark causes a personal disposition, one that beckons to defeat our ego, desire and pride to follow the subtle hearts calling or quest... Continue Reading →

Holding space in our hearts

"The heart is a sensory organ that guides our decision-making ability as well as our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. It's a symbol that transcends time, place and culture. " Dr Joe Dispenz, Becoming Supernatural I was reminded today whilst teaching yoga how important it is for us to go back... Continue Reading →

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