Holding space in our hearts

"The heart is a sensory organ that guides our decision-making ability as well as our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. It's a symbol that transcends time, place and culture. " Dr Joe Dispenz, Becoming Supernatural I was reminded today whilst teaching yoga how important it is for us to go back... Continue Reading →

The Power of Satsang

I have spent three weeks in the company of great individuals in Berlin. In Sanskrit this gathering is called Satsang, which also means in company of your guru or with an assembly of persons who listen to, talk about and assimilate the truth. I spent time at the Jivamukti Berlin studio.  The studio is a... Continue Reading →

AuMega eXperience

Being at the feet of our teachers from all levels is a blessing, especially in this day and age. In particular in the presence of the dynamic trio Jules Febre, Rima Rani Rabbath, and Julie Kirkpatrick at the Jivamukti Omega Immersion. The first week of September is the most exciting part of the year. The back end... Continue Reading →

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