Capricorn full moon helps us to heal and bring life to our purpose

The moon is in detriment in Capricorn which indicates a shift of our emotional maturity. Detriment holds no power or other energies have more influence in Capricorn other than the moon. This is a supermoon which is also out of bounds and in detriment we’re invited to take a step back from our emotional downfalls and rise up with an active plan to get to the next junction of our life. Reflecting back on the new moon in Gemini, which had a square to Neptune, this full moon is only half the journey asking us to release and let go of the nuances, the titbits we convince ourselves to be of importance or the excuses which hold us back from actualising the work that needs to be carried out.

I’ve often wondered what is the ‘work’ the energies have been pushing us towards over the last eighteen months. The ‘work’ is the tasks that are aligned with our purpose. The effort into something that ignites our Soul calling. The timeless joy we find ourselves in when everything else seems to be an effort. This full moon is on 3rd July at 21:38 AEST, 11 degrees in Capricorn opposing the Sun and Mercury in Cancer motives us to take positive action. The Moon trines to Jupiter is a supportive energy which we mustn’t ignore.

Capricorn is a self-confidence building energy which deals with establishing a governance, structure, framework and by doing so it is the authority, or the ultimate negotiator and has a keen eye to what will bring in the success. It’s not afraid of hard work. In fact, it will always say no to the emotional needs to get the job done. Capricorn’s earth qualities are grounding us to a vision which requires a framework or structure to achieve our authentically spiritual goals. The goal is not something that will surface overnight. It is long term assignment. Persistent in its consistency to stay on the path of purpose no matter what the distraction.

The positive side of this full moon is the trine to Jupiter. This energy strips away anything that is emotionally holding us back. This is a difficult energy to navigate, as we’re all thriving on emotions. They shape our attitude and mood for the day. Our emotions have been churning up a lot of feelings which require attention. Our responsibility during this full moon is to find the healing in all that holds us back. Jupiter is the ruler of beliefs, religions, broader philosophical vision and trust through the actual effort we put into something.

This energy guarantees a spark of reality. We’re not quite out of the emotional fog, as Neptune retrograded on 1 July 2023, which adds a different mix as Mars makes an inconjunction to it. Everything in our 3D reality is shaped on how we see things, how we believe life works and the past conditions all come out for us to experience. Are we still in this frequency of how life used to be? What is your internal dialogue? We’re already know our life experience is shaped from our vibrational frequency of our emotions. If the internal dialogue is ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I cannot achieve this’ or ‘I’m not going to make it’ etc, then this is the vibrational frequency we emit to the universe.

Sun in Cancer is in sextile to Jupiter while Mercury moved past its inferior conjuction with the Sun, that gave us some powerful insights. Mercury makes a square to Chiron, including the Moon. These energies bring up the past emotional situations that couldn’t be resolved or we’re left incomplete. A little disclaimer here, we don’t always know what part of the past catches up with us as these energies are imprinted to our Soul, therefore not just this lifetime. Chiron in Aries has been on a journey to humble our overly sensitive ego. We’ve become too accustomed to comfort or perhaps complacent of how we live our lives.

Imagine being asked to go and rescue some wild animals from a forest fire. Would you know where to go? What to take? Who to call? How to rescue them and where to take these animals? should you be so fortunate to actually save one. The issue with this scenario entails all the hidden questions, such as am I protected? Do I have to take my own gear? Where can I get a ride? What tools can I borrow? The level of comfort is deeply programmed in our psyche that we’re forgetting the ‘wild’ human. The fearless part of our make-up. There was a time where we would find all the energy to go on an adventure without relying on technology. Mercury asks us where we’ve become overly domesticated that we’ve lost our ability to connect in an authentic way. It might not be a fire that we’re called for assistance. It might be our personal life and relationship require our full attention. Your Soul needs recognition.

One of the biggest energies we’re facing this year is the Venus retrograde in Leo. She goes into retrograde on 23 July, where every Leo on this planet will experience their birthday with a Venus retrograde. The Venus cycle is important part of the puzzle during this full moon energy. Firstly, Venus is in shadow, which means she is coming back through these degrees during her retrograde phase and we must pay attention to what is already starting to come to the surface. Secondly, Venus is in square to Uranus, one of three connections and this is not something we’ve experienced as a collective before and Venus has never in our lifetimes retrograded fully in Leo. She has retrograded from Virgo into Leo, or in Leo into Cancer. This time she will be in Leo the whole journey of her retrograde and will finally ingress into Virgo in early October.  

I’m born with Venus in Leo and it is a difficult energy. Everything associated with love has to be the best. It has taught me not to seek for external validation or love if I cannot find it within myself for myself. Venus is going to activate all lesson associated with self-worth. This is an education because of two vital things in the mix. One Venus is the ruler of the north node in Taurus, which brings up challenges around our finances, work and sensuality. Two, the nodes move to north node Aries and south node Libra on 18 July 2023 until 18 January 2025. Venus is the ruler of Libra where the south node resides. Her energy will shift dramatically on the 23 July bringing themes of our past, lineage, ancestors, heart, relationships and to top it off, Venus will not be the power energy it will be Mars the ruler of Aries.

As we continue with our mundane lives, this full moon sends a spark of inspiration to our Soul. We’re here to create something that reflects the depths of our hearts to leave a legacy. Venus square to Uranus is unexpected shifts in our finances, values, beliefs and creative expression. For many of us, we’re in a process of healing our past relationships. These past connections are not in our control or focus.

The universe has the power to orchestrate important conversations for healing purposes.

Uranus is bringing instability to our earth, our financial systems and everything that is not in fair alignment. Uranus is a strong energy which demands change. Not the change we will ever think about. It comes out of nowhere, Uranus will strike. Imagine walking down the street to your usual store. You collect your things and as you walk out you bump into a builder who has loose tools in its hands. The bump is not tap, but a whack and the tools drop to the ground smashing your foot, toes and breaking your favourite footwear. The next thing you know you’re in the hospital waiting for surgery. This is the energy of Uranus. It is out of the nowhere something will test our ability to respond and grow to bring greater awareness of present moment.

Venus’s trine to Chiron with a square to Uranus brings a different flavour to our relationships. The temptation to do something out of the ordinary or call it quits is on the high. The seduction for something new and shiny is enticing. We must always look to where the Sun is residing during the full moon. In Cancer, we’re building confidence to go for all things that support our emotional needs and what gets removed is everything that is not in alignment and/or not authentic. Sun trine to Saturn in retrograde is the energy that indicates, nothing new is going to work.

Saturn in Pisces brings to light all the ‘fake’ connections we’ve made over our life and asks if that’s an indication of not being able to see our own true Self. Anything that is new, or hasn’t been part of our life for over three years is not something we want to play around with. This is about the present moment. Our talents, skills and heart’s desire of creating something should already be in place. Jupiter with the Moon is helping us to build better from this solid foundation.

This full moon is reminding us to do better, be better and succeed in this 3D version of different timelines on our terms. This takes courage, and spiritual negation between the ego and Soul to bring into alignment and more importantly it takes time to truly understand who we are and what we’ve become. It all sides of our human nature. Light and dark. A lot of things from our past and present moment are starting to look and feel stale. We may drop into the idea of changing our environment, that would have worked if it was in January. We’re in the other half of 2023 when the planets are starting to retrograde and life is now becoming a challenge to achieve certain things on our terms. We’re operating on the timeframe of the universe. If you understand from a deeper level, there is no time everything happens all at once.

There is a lot to process during this full moon. Each of us are battling something different from one another. Even if we choose to go ahead and create a new world without accepting our present situation, we’re in for a long haul of disappointments but the experiences we gain are to be integrated. The best use of this full moon is to tap into your hearts purpose and continue to build from this space. Even if our friends, communities, work and neighbourhoods start to feel dull how can you create that feeling of home once again? You’re the one to bring the spark back into play and this is not done by staying solo or forcing things to happen. It’s about accepting we’re in a very transient moment which requires deeper healing work and self-trust. There is no way we’re going to get through these next few years if we do not understand the power of acceptance and responsibility.

Happy full moon in Capricorn.

Let me know what you enjoyed reading. Big love

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