New Moon in Pisces – be open to a deeper connection to our spiritual heart

2024 has the most rarity of astrological alignments. The term “as above so below” has been written in many ancient texts which religions across the world have adopted and have kept it a secret. Why? I’ve often asked myself why and recently it become louder. This blog on the new moon in Pisces attempts to remind each reader their spiritual path is more powerful than any other way of doing life. In fact, it is the foundation of our deepest longing for connection. This new moon on Sunday 10 March at 20:00 (AEST), 20 degrees of Pisces, in between Neptune and Saturn, with a sextile to Uranus sets us on a different trajectory of our true origin.

One thing is for certain, we’re not going to experience life as we did. Those old cycles have ended for us to accept the future determined by our conscious and spiritually marinated values. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter the old Zeus of wisdom, teachings, and abundance. The shadow side of Jupiter is greed, manipulation and over doing everything. The stomach is always empty no matter how much we consume. Although Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces, the modern ruler is Neptune, who is the archetype of Poseidon the older brother to Zeus. Each of us have a deep connection to this energy because we’re of this cosmos and the Piscean zodiac, constellation takes us into the extra-terrestrial consciousness, connected to a higher sub conscious perspective.

As above so below starts with us. Our current place on earth and how we are conduits of energy, constantly being programmed to act in accordance to external agendas. All disguised in beautiful ways but dismissing our unique deeper feeling of oneness. It really doesn’t matter if we watch television or videos through our devices, we’re still receptive and immature or a tad ignorant to understand the symbolic and frequency manipulative language that influences our beliefs and actions. This powerful new moon is rare, not only because the two luminaries (Sun and Moon) are between Saturn and Neptune but a sextile to Uranus creating an expansive, intense, and unpredictable viewpoint. This opens a flood gate of new energy, and we are unaware how it will change, open, or shift our understanding of everything that has already been experienced. This is the path of surrender to the karmic reveals of our journey. Loosen the controls and allow life through with its own language to inform you.

True spirituality is not in a building or conveyed by man overpowering our choices. Spirituality is everywhere. It doesn’t start or stop when we sit in meditation or become conscious of our breath. It isn’t about philosophising the way we live and how much healing work we’ve done. It is living. It is found in the beat of our heart. It is found in the power of our breath. It is vibrating underneath all our conditions. It is always here and will be. It just is. We’re always with it too. It speaks to us through intuition, knowing, magical insights, serendipitous experiences, gut churnings, and in the dream realm. Despite knowing this, we self-sabotage our potential. The ego battles with this free-spirited open heart in Pisces. The feelings are deep and hold key to both the involution and evolution of our essence.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac and is the Soul connection to the Universe. Intangible realms that are both mysterious and freaking crazy. It deeply reflects on the past, not with obsession or judgement but with completion of a cycle. It has triumphed over every sphere below, and defied, in turn, every power above and is within the Soul seed of transformation. The ability to transform our past knowledge, sorrow, and suffering into experience and thus wisdom of our true path awakens. Pisces symbol is of the fish facing opposite one another. Giving us access to the realm below and above. There are no rules bound with Pisces, which is why it is difficult to pin down. It is like water, or big clouds, we see these elements, but we cannot grab them. The energy is fluid, flowing through the crevasses of our subconscious. The language is always through music. We’re the conduits, the instrument of a greater knowledge that has been purposely hidden from us. This knowledge is the key to humanities empowerment, but only understood when we’ve personally have been exiled from our world. The only enemy of the twelfth house is us. We have allowed the ego to search for meaning through the mind for proof or accepted science. Tangible evidence acting as if we’re bound only by this material existence. Forgetting there is more to us than just pain, suffering and trauma. There is light, knowing, and unconditional love inside us all.

Sun rules our hearts, persona, and character, while the Moon rules the mind, emotions, and our inner child. The new moon aligns both our inner and outer personalities, so we don’t doubt our path, our destiny, and karmic dividends. Saturn in Pisces gives us everything we need, but we cannot see the goodness because we’re only seeking familiarity. Neptune stretches our perceptions where the line of reality and fantasy is blurred. Our subconscious cannot discern from the unreal to real, there is no separation. As an example, if we talk about others and say disgusting or loving things, our subconscious deciphers this frequency to Self. Pisces is the higher octave of heart, love, and spiritual essence. To decode it from a limited mind would be to translate sacred teachings in verbatim. Missing the hidden language of symbolism, mystical teachings, and the metaphors of our shadow personalities.

Take it all in. Breath into the magic of your being, while being open to change, freedom, and flexibility. Uranus is the quirkiest planet of our system to date. It rules Aquarius and is the grandfather of all planets, the ruler of the heavens. What we think will happen never does. He has the capacity to show us individually something that we’ve never thought would happen. He is electric, dynamic, innovative and a lover of education and knowledge to be shared. Uranus’s purpose is to help us grow and expand. The only key to this knowledge is, like Pisces we must serve humanity, without prejudice, favouritism, and conditions. Supporting humanity to ascend is the only mission that is worth fighting for and our Soul is only here to do just that. When we drop the ego, self-satisfaction of achievement, we open ourselves to help those that need it most, without wanting anything back in return, our Soul, light body, and joy rise to new heights.

The shadow side to this would be paranoia, addiction, depression, escapism, being stubborn because we feel we’ve been through a lot, and we’ve overloaded the karmic banks and want to cash out. Nope. The abyss feeling stems from the path of the matrix. The governance of our world which has controlled us from eons is being exposed as a result we’ve forgotten our true spiritual sovereignty. Mars square to Uranus, while Mercury ingress into Aries during this new moon gives us clarity with a stubborn, obsessive, and rebellion energy. In many ways this is the medicine we need to get out of the fog and understand the prevention to ascension is tied with our attachments to what is familiar and what we thought we’re doing with our life. In other ways this energy helps us to understand we cannot take chances by relying on external influences. Pisces is personal and out there energy. It is not the one size fits all kind.

Poseidon doesn’t follow anyone’s rules. He is bitter in many ways, and angry most days. Disappointed as the eldest son to Cronos he was denied his place in the family. The leader of the pact was Zeus because he was born at a time where his mother intervened and exiled him to safety. Once he returned, he freed his brothers, Pluto (Hades) and Neptune (Poseidon) and became the ruler of Olympus. This causes greater power games that require a different type of intelligence for negotiation and existence. Neptune invites us, like Pluto to be seduced, only not by desires but by thought, brainwashing, spells, and programming.

These energies play out in our personal lives. We either run away from our difficult emotions usually manifested as addiction or escapism. Or, we take full responsibility by going inwards, to take an unbiased view of where we have landed on our timeline. This energy invites us to set a new cycle of our life. One that reflects our light, our connection to the universe, which wasn’t just physically landing on the moon (did they really?), but the understanding that we are these planets. We’re in relationship to our cosmos. All our choices, from working, relationships, projects, assignments, and situations we’ve ever experienced are hear to help us grow, integrate, and be open to several doorways of ascension.

People will leave us. Others will fall into the abyss and like the pied piper follow a frequency that leads to their end. Others will activate these powers of unconditional love melodies and open perceptions not influenced by religion or philosophies or history that contain vast amount of limitation in its narrative. We can sense this, and as we take a breath this weekend, if we haven’t ruined our world with Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces, we will certainly move into a new way of operating. We sense how important and expansive our life is and we must trust this process no matter how hard our emotions, stick to what is familiar.

Uranus is also a teacher. A sextile to this energy is mind blowing. The veil is thin between realms. Nothing dies, it just transforms from one energy to something else. Our whole unique spiritual path needs an expression at the Soul level. The year isn’t going to get easier, in fact it will get more weird, strange, and all that we’ve heard or researched will get disclosed. That will be our greatest test on how we move forward, especially after October 2024 when we will be in a new octave. As we embrace the Pisces realm, we mustn’t ignore our desire of expression through integral acts. Those that are not in our life is because their contract has been completed. Those that are coming through, proceed with caution and discernment, we’re still learning who we are at this moment in our timeline.

Happy new moon in Pisces! Don’t mess your life up by reacting to emotions, just pause!

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