The cost of toxic kindness full moon in Sagittarius – astrology

The polarity of Gemini and Sagittarius comes down to how we perceive our version of truth to be accepted, and how much attachment, consciously or subconsciously we follow these truths to justify our behaviours and choices. This full moon in Sagittarius on Thursday 23 May at 23:52 hours (AEST) 2 degrees and 55 minutes comes to shine light on our truths and test the convictions we hold that may prove otherwise. This is about our personal attitude and where we need to adjust our behaviour. The Sun in Gemini a sign of curiosity, youthfulness, socialising, networking, and finding different perspectives of collective agreed truths with purity sends clear messages where we put up facades about who we portray to be rather than just showing up as ourselves. The Moon reflects the dark light of Gemini and what is hidden is the shadow side of Sagittarius.

The Moon plays an important role during its full journey. It exposes the tight grip we hold in our beliefs and reveals the consequences of our actions when we’re unable to release. This is a positive energy, although it comes with the usual lessons and turns, we must be open to reflect on our attitudes when we want to attain a different experience moving forward. The aspects to this moon are positive, a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, not exact, almost 55 minutes out but this starts to reveal a different game plan. Pluto is the energy where we feel most ostracised, alien and outcasted, while it travels towards Capricorn in its retrograde phase, we begin a different relationship to ourselves.

The different relationship is one that is personal, solo, and intimate to our values and how we want to expand within. No external pressure or comparisons with others, but something we feel we are more aligned to act as we want to experience different outcomes. Gemini is a pure sign, with the star of Aldebaran aka Archangel Michael is one that will reflect all that’s not authentic in us and our immediate environment. Gemini is about the little details, the nuances that links the bigger picture or it’s the pixels of each canvas of our life. The parts of our personality, attitudes that are buried deep down and we’re frightened of letting go, to allow life to open us to the next level and arriving with a childlike awe.

Let’s start from this moment. We’ve already experienced much personal growth and healing and perhaps realised it’s like pealing an onion, the Soul needs more conscious awareness to become crystalised. This conscious awareness is a journey in it’s own right. We’re having to unpack our psychological patterns of behaviour and shift our perceptions to get a new understanding of self. Through our personal journey of the last few years, we’ve become comfortable with who we’re becoming. It’s still a practice and for some what we feel and how we see ourselves still needs fine tuning. Gemini energy is air, intellect, and always wanting to learn something new, ruled by Mercury we are being called to review our beliefs in a very intricate and pure way.

The culture of idealising is disappearing, especially with Pluto transiting through Aquarius, and this year he does his last stint with Capricorn and then embarks on a 19-year journey that will change humanity forever. Idealising anything outside of ourselves put our power of authority into someone else’s image. There is a tendency to forget who we are, our natural state and we experience obsessions, attachments, groupies, event cultish connections because our power to idealise is stronger than self-love.  How do we see ourselves and our actions in an honest way during this full moon in Sagittarius?

As we contemplate these notions of how we’ve experienced life, this full moon will open us to ask one simple question. How do we do life now? What foundations, beliefs, frameworks, and personal values have we tested, adapted, and removed? Where do we introspect at a deep, with honesty, and respectfully? The shadow side of Gemini is to delete or throw away things that don’t have meaning as we seek for something new, exciting, stimulating, youthful, innovative and sparks or feeds our mind. The Sun will be trine to Pluto, while Venus and Jupiter conjunct at 29 degrees of Taurus sextile to Neptune. This is a magical formula if we’re willing to step into health of our mind, attachments, values, beliefs, and how we understand our world, and how we make choices from these foundations? Sagittarius is the big philosophical canvas of life, it’s the storyline, or timeline of our experiences based on what we belief to be right for us at any giving time. Gemini is the little chapters of focus within the storyline of our life. The Universe is asking us to review our timeline and intuitively predict if we continue as we are, will we achieve the life we want to experience? The answer should be simple, and clear, but we are so consumed with our mind, prioritising its power but knowing deep down in the gut the true power is in the heart consciousness.

The high octave of Gemini is to ask questions, learn new information and be open to seeing different perspectives. It’s about our environment, our day to day, our little rituals that give us a foundation or strength to get ready for each action of our day. Mercury is moving swiftly through Taurus, which indicates a big lesson for us. If we want to experience the best, we must be willing to build upon what we already have established or attainted. The parts of our skillset that is easy and fluid. Gemini’s having to go back to the past and unpack their spiritual path to ask what was in alignment that was thrown away and from our personal honest insight can we reignite a new way of operating. This may involve asking questions if we’re happy with our choices, our environment or is there a tendency to leave. Mercury in Taurus is positioned 12th from Gemini. As Jupiter leaves Taurus on Saturday, Gemini’s will have clues and answers to their destiny.

Jupiter ingress into Gemini is one that is detriment, but we can use it to its best ability. Jupiter is the philosopher, the seeker, the teacher, and Gemini is the learner, the student, the one that hungers for knowledge. Jupiter in Gemini is a great time to study something, to practice a new way of living and being, to position ourselves in a social setting and make observations before we engage in anything. Our investment in anything, anyone, any situation must come from a hunger or curious space within otherwise we’re just ticking boxes.

The lower octave of Gemini is gossip, telling fibs because there is an attachment to knowing everything, having so many acquaintances but not real friends and shifting personalities to network towards success. There is much to learn in these avenues but we’re having to be real about our deeply programmed attitude that doesn’t serve us. The north node in Aries is asking us to really be ourselves, to find that ultimate unique expression without searching for external validation. We’ve had huge personal lessons that shows us where we could’ve done better. Not for gaining any recognition but to experience a different perspective and expand our way of being. Mars the ruler of Aries will conjunct Chiron which activates another character reassessment and potential healing. Will it get easier? Will we see the fruits of our efforts? Will our world transpire to something worth investing in? Yes, it will. As we move into the role of self-awareness, we become acquainted what needs to change within us.

This energy brings up so much. Our inability to be honest. The strength that we need to question if we’re being treated unfairly. There are many people who are watching, competing, and making choices with Pluto in Aquarius. This will continue. Perhaps the lesson is to understand from a high spiritual perspective we’re all from the same tree and each of us represents a different perspective of consciousness that needs to be accepted and not judged.

The lower octave of Sagittarius is superficial engagement and chat. The part of us that wants to experience life from a distance, not get involved and engage to intimately understand life. Sagittarius is the sage that wanders the planes of the wilderness, in this contemplative mood much different perspective is inspired. The euphoria feeling gets ingrain and the obsession to share this newfound version of life. There are calls for debates, and discussions to stay in our founded truth only self-righteously. This part of these few weeks will get us in very tricky waters if we cannot adjust our perspectives. Are we here to be like others? No, we’re not, but we are here to use this time to unpack if our belief systems are working for us or causing separation. That’s the biggest test.

The high octave of Sagittarius is the ability to be open to all perspectives, to be a listener, to follow gut instinct and to live by its own philosophy without having to justify it to others. Only then, Sagittarius is noticed as it leads by example and is invited to speak or share their version of truth, that has been obtained from an independent thought process. If we take a wider perspective of our own world, observe what everyone’s role is in our life do we feel in touch with our truth? Do the people around us help us or are we making assumptions or judgements for others to give us what we need?

This is a very mind over heart energy. A part of us wants to emotionally escape from all the reality we face, while the other part wants to convince that all will be well. The main point of this energy is not to break away from difficult and uncomfortable settings. It’s a time to process our discomforts and ask questions to reset the minds beliefs. It will feel so much better if we are able to pluck up the courage to ask why? Being open and kind to how we operate in life is incredible crucial for our sanity and survival. Neptune at 29 degrees has the potential to cause crazy thoughts and ways of seeing the world. Mercury will sextile Neptune on 3rd June. Depending on our consciousness and how much we’re willing to do the work, we may be in a place of inspiration or insanity. We always get the signs and warnings, so why choose the lower vibrations when we can take care and rise.

Happy full moon in Sagittarius

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