Sensitive, emotional, and nourishing wholesome full moon in Cancer

This is the last full moon of 2023 in Cancer on Wednesday 27th December at 11:33 am (AEST) with a promise of healing tears, sentimental longings and caring nature that sparks a different cause to release this year’s journey with gratitude. One of the most rarities of this full moon is the next one will be on 14th January 2025 which sets the tone for 2024 a leap year that will bleed its seeds into 2025. Before we get too far ahead, we must focus on the now, which is incredibly potent for our growth and strength to get through what unfolds.

Cancer is where the Moon is at home and like all full moons this is a culmination, ending or conclusion that we emotionally receive internally. It will be a time of us reminiscing our journey as the Moon trine to Saturn in Pisces 2 degrees, which is a highly spiritual location. The tears flow through and from us for a much-welcomed cathartic emotional outburst. It has been one challenge to understand ourselves and the other is to act, knowing what we’ve all given up and what was removed so we may feel a true sense of Self, freedom or boundary setting.

As the last moon of this year, this whole week we embark on a journey of release, redemption from our past as we feel an inner longing for nourishment of our Soul. Cancer is the sign of home, kindness, caring, mothering nature where we will love our children no matter their character. Even if we’re not biological mothers, we hold this in our biology as human beings to care for one another, to find compassion and hold it strong in our hearts. The shadow side of Cancer is neediness, overly emotional and protective with a snappy bite when we cannot express our internal intensity. It is that part of ourselves that has no boundary when we reach out and take care, even when we know to whom we care may not be available at the same emotional intelligence to receive.

This full moon oppose the Sun in Capricorn brings karmic cathartic energies to light. At the same moment Mercury rx conjunct Mars in Sagittarius not only square Neptune but is slowing down for its station to go direct on 2nd January. This is a lot of mental noise we are challenged with during this time. I’m born with Mercury conjunct Mars, and it is very mental, overthinking every possible step to ensure comprehension and clarity. On this occasion Mercury in Sagittarius is in fall position which means too much information coming in can cause confusion, lack of insight with a sense of escapism, especially with the second of its three squares to Neptune.

It is not an easy aspect. A square indicates action. Mercury in Sagittarius is about our beliefs and deep connection to Spirit and with Neptune making it quite a redirected energy. During this time, it will be beneficial to hold back on our beliefs, especially when we’re surrounded by those that have conflicting perspectives. It is not a time to rant, where Mars with Mercury can drown itself in self-righteous acts of something that is out of our hands. We cannot control how others perceive our world, neither should we stand to defend our beliefs. This is what makes these next two weeks until the new moon in Capricorn quite a mind opener to where we allow our beliefs to lead the story of our life. More importantly the alliances we’ve made are they really showing up.

Are we able to set aside our battles and engage in consorted efforts to strengthen our relationships? Not the ones that have fallen away over the last 12 months or more but the ones that are present. Mars trine to Eris is a fierce energy to get our needs met, to open our world wider only this time we must declare, disclose, and communicate what we need accurately. As mentioned before, Mercury is with Mars, making our communication style intense, forceful, and demanding. This is where the moon helps us to be empathetic towards all in our environment, so we can release ourselves from sneaky tendencies. Hiding truth, or our motives to those that feel our impact is quite dark. It is only where we can speak openly what we need and be consistent are we able to shine light.

A promising day of upliftment does come into play as Saturn is in sextile to Jupiter and Jupiter sextile to the Moon. A sextile is a supportive powerful energy. It is a combination of responsibility to maintain our focus, be grounded and nourish where we have drained our energies. All of this builds us to a fast and furious, ride or die 2024. On a side note, 2024 will be like 2020 only on steroids and much stronger. There are many seeds that are planted during February 2024, and we will not know their meaning until the eclipse on 24 March 2025. Expand your awareness by knowing what we do and don’t do to ground ourselves matters. If we can know who we are fully and trust our judgement on some difficult choices, we’ll get through with love in our hearts.

Shortly after the full moon Chiron stations to go direct at 14:09 in Aries. Chiron in Aries is a humbling awakening which we’ve all been facing. At times we’re unaware of the shifts we’ve made in how we approach life, which is why when Chiron goes forward, we may feel deep acceptance of who we are and how we show up for others. Self-love is no woke terminology, or a trend that everyone is doing. It is a spiritual act of loyalty to our path and respecting our wounds that have shaped us to be better and greater than we’ve been before. Self-love is about understanding when we need to open ourselves up in vulnerable states, which gives us leverage for our feelings. It is a time when we shout out to all those that mean the world to us. Express the love and gratitude for those that have stood by us through some crazy situations.

Overall, this is a great time to make space for gratitude of all those situations in our life that have helped us to connect with our authentic self. It is a time to rest, replenish our Soul and eat nourishing food. It is a time to help others, bring a heightened level of kindness to those that are struggling and just listen as we may learn something about ourselves. It is a time to feel everything, by trusting our intuition and allowing the mind to experience rather than dictate and concatenate every conversation.

This full moon in Cancer is a reminder that good things are available to us, when we open ourselves up to receive the richness of life. In particular Venus in Scorpio sextile to Pluto not exact during the full moon but will on 29th December. This aspect combines our values with our commitments and to show up to our world through spiritual leadership. I often use the word spiritual, especially when there are planets in Scorpio and Pisces. These two constellations have a deeper divergent energy that spirals to the darkest and highest parts of our Soul. Spirituality through the lens of astrology is about consciously connecting with the cosmic forces through relationship which is a higher power and gives a sense of meaning and purpose in our life as it opens us to deeply explore our inner self without following any rituals or doctrines.

Allow the feelings to rise during this full moon, notice what the heart wants and take time to express yourself to those that are close. We’re in a week of major release, intention setting and resting to prepare for a year of strength and growth.

Big love

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