The universe is helping us purge so we can heal – Full moon in Scorpio

We’re in a transitional period. One that has been building up since October of 2019, where Jupiter was in Capricorn heading towards a conjunction with Saturn, Pluto and then moving in 2021 towards Neptune and finally arriving in 2023 to Taurus. This is an important unfolding for what Jupiter brings to us in terms of lessons, growth, and self-belief. Now, as Jupiter completes his conjunction with Uranus, he will move forward without meeting these huge energies for at least a decade. We’ll feel a void, but that doesn’t mean we’re on the wrong path. To unpack the powerful energies of this Scorpio full moon on 24 April 2024 at 09:49 (AEST), an opposition to the Sun in Taurus and a square to Pluto, what are we truly valuing in our world and what honestly needs to be released.

Yes, the full moon is in a fall position in Scorpio where it brings immense tests and tribulations of our subconscious desires, emotional needs, and in many ways a desperation that we didn’t know existed. My beautiful Scorpio friends have always taught me about being real. They have this lens where nothing can pass their level of integrity, reality, and the ability to see through the noise of our facades. It’s always a surprising and powerful perspective to be around.

Let’s go little way back in time, where we had the partial lunar eclipse in Taurus at 5 degrees on 29th October 2023, as this is a flipped energy. We learnt about what brings us stability through aligning with our core values and with the wisdom to adjust those values if they are not serving our present moment. This Scorpio full moon at 4 degrees is now helping us to loosen up a few stubborn ideals about our values. However, it also brings a different energy. One that involves our actions which stem from deep subconscious patterns that have been suppressed for a long time, even past lives. Pluto is involved with this energy, therefore the suppressed energies stem from our Soul’s journey and how we’ve now projected our wounds in this space unconsciously.

These include the lower octave of Scorpio energy, such as jealousy, possession, wanting to end things completely to move on, emotionally intense but a profound inability to not communicate accurately. It’ll feel as if the pressure cooker of our desires has been released. A little bit like Mount Etna in Scilly threatening us with an eruption but doesn’t follow through. We’re desperately wanting release, but the universe is holding us up and for good reason.

Do we call this a spiritual test? Or are we able to get to a mature emotional state and work with Scorpio energy to do a deep dive into why we’re receiving this profound opportunity to release our pent-up desires. Desire is good when used through the lens of spiritual wisdom and a higher octave of understanding we’re not in control of our destiny. There is a high risk of premature commitments when we don’t know what our path is showing us. Especially, as Mercury is in retrograde and conjunct to the north node allows us time, divine time to pause and continue as we are but observe these powerful emotions.

Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto, and they are very different energies. Mars teaches us about the energy required to pursue esoteric practices. The strength required to continue for a deeper spiritual truth that is personal to each of our journey’s. He also is about sexual power that creates new life in all its form. Mars is currently in Pisces and is moving towards a conjunction to Neptune on 29th April 2024. The illusion being projected into our world and convincing ourselves this is the only way, the only truth, that involves drama, manipulation and finally meeting the shadow side of our persona is dangerous. It’s also an indication that this full moon is not the energy that rises from the ashes. It does open us to examine the parts of our character that we’ve deemed as dark and not allowed ourselves to journey into these realms but come out in toxic behaviours. They show up every time we engage with those that we deem as antagonists.

The north node is in Aries. This is all about us. It’s not what other people do, or don’t do. It’s how we’re showing up in all our relationships, so we can be more authentic, open, and honest about our emotional and spiritual needs. This leads to maturity. Pluto teaches us a deeper aspect of Scorpio. It’s about power, commitment, transparency, and with comfort and ease we accept parts of our fragmented psychological aspects to end. It’s the experience of death. The random, shocking, and deeply life changing experiences of death. There is no second chance in this version of ourselves. Pluto show us the darker side of sexual acts, the power we may use of force or violence because it’s about boundaries and knowing when we reach the edge.

Deep down we know in our Soul more healing is required. Especially, as Chiron has had a conversation with the Sun, Venus, and several with Mercury with one more scheduled on 7th May 2024. Chiron holds the understanding of a disability. It’s the disability of our ego that’s impatient, driven with passion or anger, but has never been expressed consciously. It also can be expressed by not believing in the courage we have to live life on our terms. No consultation required. All of this is, mirrored back in our relationships. Why is this important to this full moon energy? The Moon is reflecting the light of the Sun in Taurus and mirrors the shadow of this stubborn earth energy. It is about understanding the polarities of both Taurus and Scorpio, one that requires space and touch while the other requires action and depth. It’s about understanding that we can lead our life on our terms and make space for others in our world to step up and lead theirs. Through this understanding we can release the hold, grip, or demands we make on others.

There is an intensity of this full moon, however unlike other full moon’s it will only get louder until it opposes Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus at 20:29 on 25 April 2024 (AEST). Every action and choice we take must be through the lens of our values, and if they feel aligned.

  • To ensure we process deep suppressed emotions, such as anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, violence, dark manipulative and sexually driven obsessive traps.
  • To find a space within ourselves to observe without action.
  • To process without a story attached to why our needs have risen to a new level of desperation.
  • To hold space for ourselves as we pour our intense emotions into a creativity.
  • To be okay with ourselves when others around us start to fall apart.
  • To be mature and conscientious enough to not intervene in the process and not allow others to break the flow of this deep healing process.

The biggest trap right now is to make strong investments, whether they are financial or relational that come from a desperate space. Here is a truth that we may need to meditate upon, when do our values lead our choices and when does our ego’s desperation enables old patterns to repeat? The trap is we depend on others, a situation or experience that will feel like a solution but in truth it’s not that at all. There is this stubborn part of our human nature that feels external validation is the only way we can prove to ourselves we’re alive. The pulse, excitement and urge to make random choices rather than sit with the weight of our healing process.

Jupiter has given us everything we need since 2019. We’re at an important junction of our transformation where we can give ourselves a moment to tap into our talents, gifts and wisdom to build something strong. I feel this full moon in Scorpio is positively powerful and it’ll help us to get into the core of our subconscious suppressed emotions so we can heal from a new level. It’s a solo journey, even though Scorpio is about other people. The south node is in Libra, and this is about us not getting caught up in what the role of our people is about. It’s about understanding our darkest parts and experiences require a sacred space, time, and commitment to transform them. This will invite us to experience extreme endings, emotions, shifts that are not in our control or what we’ve thought about. The universe is asking us to raise the bar and ascend if we’re here to be true lightworkers and help others rather than take advantage and steal things or keep our pain points hidden.  

Art by Raghava KK

This may result the universe taking away what is not serving us. Its not our choice. We are in a blind spot with all these energies after the eclipses. It’s a new path of integrity that requires us to show up. During the next few weeks, we’ll get the poignant and relevant downloads to move into a new space. It is through discernment, self-realisation, sobriety, and the lens of self-worth do we move into the situations that are completely aligned.

How to get through this full moon energy? Firstly, be kind to the process that unfolds for each of us. Secondly, be okay with being emotionally messy and wild with all that comes through without subconsciously filtering it with a story, a situation from the past and certainly looking at it from one perspective or worse making decisions that are only half revealed. Thirdly, question how we can test if we’re following our healing journey or the illusion of what we want now. During this time, journal, seek a psychologist to get into the subconscious patterns and be okay that no one on this planet is perfect.

One more thing, we’re not in a new universe yet. We’re still raising our vibrational frequency and the more open and real we are to ourselves about our healing path the more space we create to move to the next trajectory. There are several positive energies that will karmically unfold for us in a few weeks. Not everyone will get what they want but they will get what they need. Give yourself a chance to heal and by doing so tap into your power of sovereignty, as we follow the quantum synchronicities of our destiny. You’re not in control.

Big love

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